I have heard about this book from my friend Erin, and also from Becky, who is the missionary in Sierra Leone that we will be working with in June when we go.
The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns
The author was the CEO of Parker Brothers at the age of 33, and then the CEO of Lenox. Then God called him to leave Lenox & serve as the president of World Vision.
I’m only in the 3rd chapter. So far, here are the quotes that have made me think the most.
pg. 2 “The idea behind The Hole in Our Gospel is quite simple. It’s basically the belief that being a Christian, or follower of Jesus Christ, requires much more than just having a personal and transforming relationship with God. It also entails a public and transforming relationship with the world. If your personal faith in Christ has no positive outward expression, then your faith – and mine – has a hole in it.”
pg. 3 “When we committed ourselves to following Christ, we also committed to living our lives in such a way that a watching world would catch a glimpse of God’s character – His love, justice and mercy – through our words, actions, and behavior.”
Any thoughts? Have you read this book, and if so, what did you get from it?
The boys and I pray a lot for the quote on pg 3 to be real for us! I hope you enjoy your book!