I went on my first (far away) mission trip my freshman year in college (1990) when I went to Belize over Christmas break. Mack & Judy Anthony took 4 of us students. It was an unbelievable experience. I knew I wanted to go back.
The next year, I went back to Belize, and then to Honduras in the next years. The last time I went was in 2003. I have kind of felt like that was a part of my life that was - not over - but on hold for now. The last time I left Honduras, I made the statement, that the next time I went, I wanted it to be with the other 3 Hughes. 7 years have gone by, and well, that is something Jay & I talk & dream about, taking the girls on a mission trip (beyond the United States). I've had it in my mind that the next time I went, it would be the 4 of us.
Then, I met Sarah. A new, refreshing friend. And I began to hear Sarah talk about Sierra Leone, West Africa. [Africa has never even been on my radar!] And I saw the pictures from her last trip, and I saw her excitement as she prepared to go back & I also began to feel this tug, that I tried to ignore, and even tried to talk Him out of it.
It didn't work.
I am now committed to go to West Africa in May. Is this crazy? yes. Have I come up with at least one hundred reasons why it won't work? Of course. Do I have any idea where the $3000 is going to come from? no idea. Is there an element of fear involved here? uh, yes.
but...it is now a matter of obedience. In Bible study, I've learned that obedience is faith with action. And now, as scary as it is, it is time for some action.
Sooooo exciting!! Going to Cambodia with my husband in July changed my life. And, like you, I want so badly to go back and take my girlies. Thanks for sharing, Niki!