Saturday, December 22, 2012

What a week!


Mary Margaret was already on her break from school.  She and I got $5 manicures at the beauty school.  Sometimes, you get what you pay for. But it was fun!

Mary Margaret had 3 girls over to make gingerbread houses.  Hearing their laughter was a delight. 

Katie finished her finals and is now on break.  And is now enjoying watching movies, reading books, sleeping in and NO geometry.

Coffee with a friend while it snowed outside.

Big smile on Mary Margaret’s face when she saw the snow coming down.

Dessert date with my hubs (had dinner with the girls here at home, then went out for dessert – great for a quick, inexpensive date and uninterrupted conversation.  I sure do love spending time with this man). 

Dinner twice this week with Ms. Ruth and Dr. Marshall.  How amazing it is that around 2003ish, Jay made the statement that it would be an incredible opportunity to be mentored by/work with Dr. John Marshall, and here we are at Second Baptist in 2012.  God does give us the desires of our hearts. 

Met some new friends, inspiring conversation.

Katie got her driver’s permit.  Is she really old enough to be driving? Time is flying by. I want to push pause for awhile.

Lots of laughs with the other pastors and wives (with the exception of the Segars, who we missed!).  White elephant gifts that I am certain will be regifted.

Charades in our living room, watching Jay act out “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” It was absolutely hilarious. 

Watching Tim Hawkins and Dave Barnes Christmas videos.  Laughing some more.

One friend’s daughter is feeling better, one friend’s mom is now home recuperating from surgery, another friend stood her ground with courage, another friend’s daughter moved back home with an attitude of appreciation, another friend’s husband has a promising new job just around the corner.

One friend spoke bluntly to me and nailed me, my selfishness is ever before me.   I needed to hear her say it.  How thankful I am for friends who speak truth and love me even when the not-so-lovely pieces of me are seen so clearly. God uses people in my life to speak to me, to direct me back to Him.

In light of the evil that was so clearly evident last Friday, it does my heart good to see God at work around me, and be reminded that He is active.

Simple pleasures. Can it get any better? I don’t think so.